When I was pregnant, the "Mozart Effect" was in high gear both in the popular press and various strains of academia. Since the man who extracted this term from science and mainstreamed it for the rest of us lived in Boulder--and that's where I was enrolled for my Masters at this same time--CU Boulder LOVED the M.E. I remained skeptical.
So, I didn't play much Mozart in the air surrounding my growing abdomen but I played other music constantly. I remember really being into Miles Davis at the time, and Ozomatli, Dave Matthews, Pearl Jam, salsa bands, etc. etc. I guess I was experimenting with the general "music effect" rather than focusing on Mozart.
BUT, it wasn't that I wanted my soon-to-be-child to perform better on tests after listening to Mozart (the main theory behind the M.E.), I believed that all music draws some kind of physiological response in the body, so I was listening to what made ME happy in hopes that those good vibes would pulse through the chub o' love rolling around in my big belly.
The same theory applied to after my little son was born. His ears heard everything. And he seemed intrigued by it. I found myself--on certain days--hitting the "repeat-one" button (see blog from June) for "Hero of the Day" by Metallica with the San Fran Symph Orchestra, Bobby McFerrin's "Common Thread," Pete Townshend's mellow remix of "Let My Love Open the Door." just random songs that made ME feel better. Which made us feel better.
So, Saturday I hosted a baby shower for 9 women---one of which is VERY pregnant with baby #4, a girl. It was a surprise for her, and we just hung out, ate goulash out of pumpkin bowls (inspired by my days at the Greenhouse) and lots of snacks and desserts.
I made a "Lullaby Baby" CD for the little-one-to-be.....but mostly for her parents. My son knows almost all of these songs, and when we hear them, I tell him, "We listened to this one A LOT when you were a baby." So now, they are OUR songs. And I always feel better after listening to them.
Here is it. Feel free to comment or add a suggestion. Or try it for yourself! If you'd like a copy, shoot me an email:
Lullaby Baby CD
1. "Little Star"--Madonna
2. "Pink Moon"--Nick Drake
3. "Spiegel im Spiegel"--Arvo Part (violin)
4. "Glosoli"--Sigur Ros
5. "Song for the Boys"--Pat Metheny
6. "Let My Love Open the Door" (E. Cola remix)--Pete Townshend
7. "Sweet Lullaby (Ambient Mix)--Deep Forest
8. "Common Thread"--Bobby McFerrin
9. "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall"--Ron Miles Trio
10. "Bron-Yr-Aur"--Led Zeppelin
11. "Sumiregusa"--Enya
12. "Any Other Name"--Thomas Newman
13. "2/1"--Brian Eno
14. "Spiegel im Spiegel"--Arvo Part (violin and piano)
Dont' get sleepy, now! A full week awaits us!
Hi friend! Miss you much! Can you send me 4 copies? I have 4 baby showers to go to! I will paypal you the $ for postage & supplies!
Sounds good, mi chica musicana....help is on the way!
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